Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Product of the Year

What are the products of the year - historical mark products - what would you put in a time capsule? Put a reason under a picture of each item.

A product that I would put in a time capsule would be a Rotary Dial Phone.
 Though it's really old, but it can be really reliable. If the electricity is out because of the pole being fixed or needed to be fix, you can still use the Rotary Dial Phone. It is not powered by an electric company, so rather than using AC (alternative current) it using DC (direct current).

Monday, January 16, 2012

Business of the Year

I'd choose McDonald because they are open worldwide. I believe almost every single city in the world has their fast food restaurant and a lot of people who is in a rush or they just want some food would come and buy it. Everytime I happen to pass by one of their restaurant, there are a lot of people eating there, coming out and in. They're making a lot of profit.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Saying Thanks to Apple Inc.

A product that I like using is my iPod touch. I would like to thank Apple Inc for creating it, it is convenient and fun to use. Sometimes, when I need to find a meaning of a word, I can just download a dictionary application and type in the word instead of looking it through dictionary, sometimes it doesn't even contain the word. Or if I need to search something up quickly, I don't need to turn on the computer and wait for it to load, and same with games. I can carry it around and use it whenever I'm bored and such. In fact, you can download applications to text for free. So thank you Apple Inc.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Write a list of places you like to eat.

1. Montanas
2. Asian Buffet
3. Olive Garden
4. The Keg Steakhouse
5. Kinjo
6. Pizza Hut
7. Swiss Chalet
8. Bolsa Restaurant
9. Cora
10. Opa

Pepsi vs Coke

If it's between Coke and Pepsi, in terms of taste and website, I would choose coke, because in my opinion, I think its better. Coke seems to put more effort and spend more time into their website rather than Pepsi. Coke's website contains a lot of information about their history like when it was created, etc. In the other hand, Pepsi's website is like an advertisement. It shows other websites such as their Facebook and Twitter page. So I prefer Coke.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Answer questions in terms of business studies:

1. There has been debate over if this movie is genuine or a "mockumentary". What do you think? If it was a mockumentary - why would Bansky do this?

I think this movie is more of a genuine because this isn't like mocking something or someone.

2. What do you think the street artists are trying to get across to the public with their graffiti?
How can you tell they were effective?

Some people would want to spread their words around and some just wanted to draw for fun. But if they're trying to spread the word around, they'd make it attractive and unique so it would catch people
s eye.
3. What do you think that Mr. Brain Wash was trying to get across to the public with his art? Was he effective?

 His art is mainly changing up the pictures and he was pretty effective because many people says they want to see more of that artwork.

4. What do you see as the key differences between the street artists work and MBW's work?

Street artists aren't for money and they can actually draw meanwhile MBW's work is pretty much for money and he hired people to draw for him but he comes up with the ideas.

5. At the end of the show lots of people showed up to the art show.  Why the long line? What brought so many people together?

They wanted to see unique artwork and they wanted more people to do that kind of art.

6. Graffiti: Is it art or vandalism? How would you react to someone painting on your wall? What similarities do you see between graffiti and guerilla marketing? Where is the line for Shepard Fairey or Banksy, when they move from making art against the mainstream machines into making money off of their art from the mainstream machines? Did they sell out or did they achieve success?

I think it's vandalism but it's also art because it kind of depends on the graffiti. If someone drew on my wall I'd be upset because I would want to draw on my wall myself and design how I wanted to, unless someone painted on my wall and I liked it. Shepard Fairey and Banksy both achieved success.