Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Market Research for Coffee Lovers

  1. Describe your product/Service: Good tasting coffee
  2. What are your product's/service's two most important features: Full-flavored and affordable
  3. Describe the people most likely to be interested in purchasing this: Tired students and teachers at Forest Lawn who needs a boost in the morning
  4. How many people would you need to survey to determine the price they would pay and the features they feel are most important?: 100-200
  5. Describe your plan for surveying these people?: Post on social networking sites for students. Ask teachers survey questions
  6. How many potential customers will each market research team member be responsible for surveying? Marcus:100-150 Noor:100 Laurin: 10-15 teachers Vivian: to be decided
  7. Develop your questionnaire.
  8. Complete market research
  9. Based on the data how many people would use your service/product at each price?
  10. Did you collect any comments about improving your project?

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