Thursday, December 8, 2011

Answer what are the 4Ps and what is AIDA in your own words.

The 4Ps are place, product, people, price. It is a market strategy for advertising products. The advertisement will tell the people where it is and price of that product.

AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire and action. It grabs the people's attention from the poster by making attractive and showing their products.

Poster 1:

Poster is informative: 2
Spelling and grammar: 3
Neatness: 3
Pictures/Graphic: 2
Total: 12/15

Poster 2:

Poster is informative: 1
Spelling and grammar: 3
Neatness: 3
Pictures/Graphic: 2
Total: 10/15

Poster 3:

Poster is informative: 3
Spelling and grammar: 2
Neatness: 2
Pictures/Graphic: 2
Total: 12/15

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