Thursday, November 24, 2011

Advertising notes.

1. What percentage of revenue comes from advertising and marketing?
Tv - 100%
Newspapers - 80%
Magazine - 60%

2. Who are you marketing to?
Largest group of consumers - Young woman 12-24.
Female teens spend 64 billion dollars a year.
Younger woman wants to look 5 years older meanwhile older woman wants to look 5 years younger.

3. Cilent
Coca Cola, ad agency (market research, creatives, producers, media buyers)
Media - Facebook, tv, newspapers, billboards

4. Different Advertising techniques.
Avante Garde
Facts and figures
Weasel Words

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  • "If goods were sold only for cash, prices would be lower and everyone would be better off."
I agree because some people has a low income and they can't afford things.

  • "If I can't pay for something, it means I can't afford it, so I won't buy it." 
I agree because if you don't have the right amount of money for it then you can't be able to buy it.
  • "I buy on credit whenever I can because credit increases sales and is good for businesses."
I disagree because you might keep spending over the limit on credits and ended up paying more.

  • "You should use credit sometimes: it helps you establish a credit rating, which may be useful in case of an emergency." 
I agree because you need good credits then when you have to borrow money for housing or something important the bank will lend you in an easier process.

    Friday, November 18, 2011

    Engaged 5 primary activities.

    1. Planning - Planning the future course of action and deciding the most appropriate action to achieve the goals. It is planning things in advance.
    2. Organizing - Bringing together physical, financial and human resounds and developing productive relationship for achievement of goals. There are 6 processes.
    3. Staffing - Keeping it manned and organized. It puts the right on man on the right job.
    4. Leading - Deals directly with influencing, guiding supervising, and motivating others to achieve the goals. They have four elements. (Supervision, motivation, leadership, communications)
    5. Controlling - Measurement of accomplishment against the standards and correction of goals. Check whether or not the proper progress has been made towards the objective and goals.

    Then answer
    1. Describe functions 1,2,4 and 5. In two sentences. 
    2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of participative planning? 

    The advantage is knowing what they're going to do ahead, and the disadvantage is trying to think what to do ahead of time.

    Thursday, November 17, 2011

    How did they motivate you to work harder? How can you use this in your work?

    They motivate me to work harder is by making the things we're doing fun. Rather than have a boring class in school, its better to have a fun one. Grade 9 is so far my best years because almost all of my teachers there are funny, and they make the class seems so fun. They crack out jokes and it makes me want to stay in that class. When I have classes that has a boring (no offence) strict mean teacher, I feel like I don't really want to be in that class.

    Wednesday, November 16, 2011

    Name a product that is in the decline stage of it's life cycle.

    The shoe that is called Heelys. I no longer see people wear these shoes in shops or in school. They could change the shoe style and bit and make it attractive or re-adervertise it; using commercials or Guerilla marking technique. Most kids that were in that days would have grown up by now and there's a new set of kids. However, since they were born during that shoe was being promoted, they would have no idea about it, so if they promoted it again, they would buy it. Everything will keep repeating especially in fashion.

    Tuesday, November 15, 2011

    What did you like about the product? What did you wish was different? Who would this product appeal to? How could you market to them within the school?

    The product was great, it was fun putting stickers and changing the back ground on the page. However, what I wish that was different is that it wouldn't just connect to Facebook or uploading your own pictures from your computer for pictures. What if we have pictures from other social networking and they're not on our current computer? It should have more variety of social networking. Personally I wouldn't spend my money to have my own personalized yearbook page and also pay for the yearbook because it's not really worth it. But if it was a great year for me then I might buy the yearbook but not have my own pages. But maybe when I'm in my last year of the school, such as the grade 12s, I would buy it.

    Thursday, November 10, 2011

    List as many different types of ads as you can.

    - Newspaper ads
    - Website ads
    - Youtube's ads
    - Commercial
    - Mini video appearing when clicking website/apps (iphone/ipod etc)

    What is your least favourite ad? What is your favourite ad? Put an example of a good and a bad ad on your blog. Explain why one works for you and one doesn't.

    Some of the advertisements that I think that's good is the McDonalds Pole and the WPPED Cream Elevator Award. It looks really unique and attractive, it will catch people eyes' and they won't be forgetting about that advertisement for awhile.

    Newspapers advertisement, it looks plain and boring. Not much people will look at the advertisements because they would be focusing on the news (can't find the picture for it).

    Wednesday, November 9, 2011

    Which idea did you like the best and why?

    Guerilla marketing means a promoting their things with time energy imagination and information. People rather have a try on things on their promotion rather than watch on television or such. My favourite guerilla marketing would be the one with people sliding down. It is fun, and faster than the escalator. In fact, it is rather unique and attracts more people to in, and it's not like they will be forgetting about it within seconds just like a commercial.

    Tuesday, November 8, 2011

    Do you think they are right about generation Y? How can you use this "consumer behaviour" analysis to further your company?

    I think it's pretty true. My friends hardly pay attention to commercial at all and I do too, and they tend to search things or hear things on the internet. I think it can affect our company positively if we promote our business on social networking, such as Facebook. Friends would support us, and buy it, meanwhile bringing their friends, and if their friends feel like buying it, or think they should give it a try, our product will be sold.

    Monday, November 7, 2011

    What does this story teach you about customer service, customer loyalty, customer relations and the customer experience?

    The cab driver has a really good customer service. He talked to the customer so there wouldn't be an awkward silence between them while he was driving towards the airport, which requires good socializing skills. The cab driver even made the customer feel comfortable and welcomed though the customer was leaving. However, that made the customer would want to come back again rather than complaining how bad the customer service was. He even gave cards to have a good relationship with the customers and that they would become friends.

    Thursday, November 3, 2011

    Is it possible for a business to be solvent but not profitable? Why or why not?

    It could be possible because if you have enough to pay the bills and can keep on running the business. If you are able to pay the bills and such things, it would be an equal sign to both sides (profit and debt). However, sometimes being solvent may be a problem, sometimes there's thing you need to pay a bit more cash than the usual. The cost can go up and you may not have enough money anymore, so it's better to have profit than solvent.

    Wednesday, November 2, 2011

    Look at the Sample Balance Sheet

    2. Define 5 of the 7 assets. In terms of accounts receivable what is a doubtful account?
    a) Cash - The current asset account which includes currency, coins, checking accounts, and un-deposited checks received from customers.
    b) Petty Cash - Represents an amount of cash for making small disbursements for postage due, supplies.
    c) Temporary Investments - Contains amount of investments that can and will be sold in the future.
    d) Accounts Receivable - A combined amount of the debit balance in the current asset account and the credit balance in the contra asst account. The difference is the approximation of the amount received into cash.
    e) Inventory - Current asset whose ending balance should report the cost awaiting to be sold.

    3. Look at each section (assets, liabilities, equity) in detail.
    Assets is things that the company owns, and the resources that the company have been acquired though transactions and future economic value.
    Liabilities are obligations of the company, the owe amounts creditors for a past transaction and have the world "payable" in their account title.
    Equity can be thought of a source of the company's assets. It is sometimes referred as the book value of the company. It is equal to the reported asset amounts minus the liability amounts.
    The groups under assets and liability.

    Petty Cash
    Temporary Investments
    Accounts Receivable
    Prepaid Insurance

    It's there because it is how much cash you have or used in to.

    Notes Payable
    Accounts Payable
    Wages Payable
    Interest Payable
    Taxes Payable
    Warranty Liability

    It is the cash that you must pay for.

    4. Where are earnings shown on the balance sheet? What do earnings represent in terms of equity?
    It is under Stockholders' Equity, the term Retained Earnings.